Introducing: The LittleCMDB (a vCenter Orchestrator & WaveMaker Demo-Project)

It is a pleasure for me to write these lines as an introduction to a full series of articles, posted on vcoportal over the next couple of days:

Christian Strijbos (you remember his posts about WaveMaker and vs. LDAP a couple of weeks ago!?) put together a comprehensive project involving vCenter Orchestrator (and its SQL Plugin) and WaveMaker:


The LittleCMDB



The LittleCMDB is a Workflow-driven Database Application which stores information of Virtual Machine configurations in a SQL database. The user can see the configuration via a web-based UI. It’s even possible to file a Request to change the configuration of a VM via the Web-Frontend, it will automatically processed and the settings of the VM will be adjusted.

In short, you can…:

  • Show the current Virtual Machine configuration in a Web-Frontend
  • Initialize the Database automatically
  • Refresh the Database when the configuration of a Virtual Machine changes
  • Let the users change the Virtual Machine configuration via a Web-Frontend


LittleCMDB uses Orchestrator Workflows to implement the “business logic” of the application. For that it leverages the SQL-Plugin for vCO, so you don’t have to write a single line of SQL Statements.

There will be some backend Workflows which gather information from vCenter and store them into the Database.

The web-based frontend is built with VMware WaveMaker.

What you get:

We will publish a full guide how-to build the LittleCMDB from scratch, separated in different parts over the next couple of days (see the picture above also as a “Table of Content”).

We will also provide the Workflow Packages and the WaveMaker project to download.

Our main goal is to give you…

  • examples and “hands-on” guides to develop workflows in vCO
  • same for WaveMaker
  • an example how easy it is to create such a “CMDB application” using vCO Plugins
  • ideas to use vCO and WaveMaker for your own use-cases

So: Even if the downloadable workflows should  run quite out-of-the-box, do NOT use them for production!
The complete project is for educational purposes only.
(If you like the idea, and want something like that for your company, engage Christian for a project!  8-))

Now, get your vCO Lab ready and look forward to Part 1…

tomorrow in this Theater :mrgreen:!

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7: