Where is the Orchestrator 6.0 client installation file?

Usually you can start the Orchestrator client just via Java WebStart using the link on the welcome page of your vRO server.

However, due to several security restrictions in current Java versions, and OSX versions, that might be quite an effort to configure your system that this actually works (permanently).

In older vCO versions there were direct links to the standalone client installation downloads on the welcome page, but these links disappeared in vRO 6.0 (that comes with vRA 6.2, and the upcoming vSphere release).

So, here’s where you find the installation files: They are zipped in the file


on the appliance (it’s about 165MB!). Use for example scp to copy them to your local system (SSH has to be enabled in the appliance configuration):

scp root@your-vro-server:/usr/lib/vco/downloads/welcome-page-resources.zip .

Then you can unzip the file, and voila, find the standalone installation files…