vCenter Orchestrator 4.2 released… and mentioned in vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT)

VMware just released vCO 4.2, included in the vCenter 5.0. Not a big release for the platform, but focussing on all the Orchestrator Plugins in the last couple of weeks indeed was more important 🙂 .Release notes state that the missing Schema-Chart in the Webviews are fixed!

And, whith the new AMQP-Plugin for vCO and the “Call-Out”-Feature of upcoming vCloud Director 1.5 it’s possible to execute Workflows during vCD-Operations. For more information about this, visit

Another sign for the rising importance of vCO: It is mentioned in the new vCloud Architecture Toolkit (vCAT) 2.0:

I’m looking to hear more at VMworld 2011 😎 !